Bash - cheatsheet

Command Description
ls List directory contents
cd Change directory
pwd Print working directory
mkdir Create a directory
rmdir Remove a directory
touch Create an empty file
rm Remove files or directories
cp Copy files or directories
mv Move or rename files or directories
cat Concatenate and display files
grep Search for patterns in files
head Display the beginning of a file
tail Display the end of a file
chmod Change file permissions
chown Change file owner and group
echo Display a line of text
man Display the manual page for a command
nano A simple text editor
vim or vi A powerful text editor
wc Count words, lines, and characters in a file
tee Read from standard input and write to standard output and files
find Search for files in a directory hierarchy
grep Search for patterns in files
sort Sort lines of text files
tar Manipulate archives in tar format
zip Compress files into a zip archive
unzip Extract files from a zip archive
ssh Secure Shell - connect to a remote server
scp Securely copy files between hosts using SSH
curl Transfer data from or to a server
wget Download files from the internet
ps Display information about processes
kill Terminate processes by ID or name
top Display system processes and their resource usage
df Display disk space usage
du Estimate file space usage
uname Display system information
exit Exit the shell